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Friday, January 28, 2011

HELP! My Hair's Not Growing, I Need A Trim!

Good day, everyone! 

So, what's the deal with the title (you might ask)?  It sounds like an oxymoron, right? Well, I'm writing this blog to give you some insight on a common myth.  To trim or not to trim, that's that question! 

Often times when women come into my salon, their #1 goal is to increase their hair length.  However, there is this misconception that you must trim your hair on a consistent basis in order to achieve longer hair.  That's where this blog comes in handy.  I'm here to set the record straight and give you some facts. 

Trimming the hair came out of the practice of straightening hair.  When our hair is straightened on a consistent basis (with excessive use of chemicals and heat styling tools), it causes our hair to break and split at the end.  Just an insight - there are water molecules inside of our hair and when they get too hot, they swell, burst and cause cracks in our actual hair shaft (split ends). Now, if you are getting your hair styled with heat styling tools (properly), it is simply appropriate to trim your hair every 6-8 weeks.  But if you decide you want to transition to your natural hair, trimming can virtually become obsolete.  There is a complete paradigm shift.  If you’re looking for length, the #1 thing to do is not trim your hair every 6-8 weeks. 

The only time it is necessary to trim (with natural hair) is:
1.  If you are transitioning into natural hair and you have to cut off straight or over processed hair.  
2.  If you have curlier textured hair.  If this is you, you've probably noticed that as your hair gets longer the hair strands wrap around and create little knots at the end of your hair. 
3.  Lastly, if you’re not using the right products.  Your hair can become dry and brittle.  

I trim the hair of my natural hair clients once or twice a year. (I KNOW! SHOCKING, RIGHT?) But it's appropriate.  

I want to leave you with this...

What you do to the ends of your hair has no effect on what is happening at your scalp.  Remember, your hair grows from your scalp.  So, if you're not achieving the length of hair you desire, there is possibly something happening to the ends of your hair causing breakage.  If you're not seeing the desired length you want, and breakage is occurring at the ends of your hair, you should see a trichologist (like myself), or a dermatologist to see if there is a nutritional deficiency or hair shaft disorder.  But it could be something as simple as the wrong hair care products.   

Hmmm, hold that thought!  I just might write a blog on my recommended hair care products. 

Until next time, this is Dr. Kari.  at My Hair Is Happy.  

... stay tuned for Dr. Kari TV.  

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